If we are to get to grips with what is happening in our own society, we need to understand the truth about eating disorders and those who suffer with them. Genetic studies have found some characteristics which seem to be associated with an increased risk of some eating disorders but there is no ‘anorexic gene’. Instead these are physical and psychological factors which mean that someone is ‘capable’ of developing an eating disorder; that they are fertile soil should the seeds of an eating disorder be sown. The same characteristics are present in many people who do not and have never had eating disorder. Indeed some are associated with great success and achievement in life. Sufferers are not ‘abnormal’ people whose biology dooms them to struggle with their eating forever. They are simply normal people placed under extraordinary pressure who have slipped under the spell of perhaps the ultimate lie of this age: that being thinner will make you happy. As many as a quarter of adult women and 9 out of ten teenager girls believe this and some of those start to try to control and restrict their eating in the belief that they have found a strategy that will help them to cope. Instead of course it causes more problems than it ever solves.
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