Clinical problems with eating are also becoming more common. Eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder are now issues that need to be addressed by all GPs, and studies suggest that the average GP will have several people on his/her list who are struggling with an eating disorder. Younger children, some as young as 8 or 9, are becoming the early victims of our obsession with our weight, as they misunderstand the rules they hear, and fall under the tempting spell of trying to control their diet to win the things they so long for: confidence, popularity and happiness. For most of our teenage girls, the majority of women, and for many men, feeling bad about the way they look has become part of normal life. 90% of women say they do not like their body, with over half going as far as to say that they hate it. Over a quarter say they worry about their body every day. 90% of teenage girls admit that they hate their body and want to lose a lot of weight – over half of them wishing they could drop over a stone, even though they are not overweight at all. Their aims are extreme and represent weights that would be very unhealthy, well within the boundaries of anorexia, and unachievable without some extreme control and restriction of their diet. These pressures are hitting teenagers younger and younger, with 2/3 of under 13s already having been on a diet.
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