Within this country there exists an epidemic of concern, anxiety and obsession regarding weight. As we move further into the first decade of the 21st century, the issue that concerns us most has become not just the numbers of people suffering with eating disorders, but more the developing trend to deny that what the majority of women are going through is anything but normal. Therefore we see a culture that seeks to ‘normalize’ (ie say that this is part of normal life) behaviours such as constantly worrying about your body, obsessively counting calories, fat grams, or carbs for every meal you eat. A culture where over a quarter of adults are effectively on a permanent diet. A culture where sales of laxatives have increased by over 30% since 2001, a rise attributed to the thousands of young women who believe (incorrectly) that they may help them to stay slim. A culture where by the age of 7 nearly half of girls already believe that they should be thinner than they are, and by 14 a quarter will report that they are suffering from an eating disorder. We have become a nation obsessed with undereating and controlling our diet.
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